Search results for: “typewriter”
Good News Everyone: Typewriter fully functional.
After many hours of work, my typewriter is now fully functional and printing your tweets. Check it out at At the time of writing this, it actually already printed 68 tweets from all over the world. However, since this is a project that will probably never be 100% done, here are my upcoming optimization tasks:…
Typewriter to Printer: Setbacks & Progress
I totally forgot that just having a web video stream of what is happening on the typewriter is not enough. What if actually a few people want to watch it at the same time? Bummer, have to investigate that. So far tests showed not even enough frames come out of that android IP cam app…
Typewriter to Printer Conversion, Update (getting close)
Good News Everybody. The typewriter (actually the raspberry pi) is now capable of picking up print jobs from my typewriter API. See yourself in the following video. For now I just use a web interface to add the jobs manually but soon the jobs will come in from twitter via a hashtag or tweets towards the…
Typewriter to Printer
A python script on my Raspberry Pi is now typing on my typewriter, not optimized yet, but working. Yeah! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Typewriter to Printer: Software Update
I am turning an almost hundred year old typewriter into a Twitter printer. An update is needed here, since a few things changed, not as much progress as wanted was done though. I decided for the future of the project to use a Raspberry Pi to operate the typewriter and the connected webcam. Why? Arduino…
Typewriter to Printer: Progress!
I am converting an almost 100 year old typewriter into a printer that will print your tweets to it on paper while you can watch it on a webcam. It has been a good week for the typewriter to printer conversion project. Andrew helped me put together a table I designed for the typewriter.…
Typewriter to Printer Conversion: Current Status
So I had to learn that the 30 solenoids I got, wont have enough power at the low leverage point I wanted to connect them to the typewriter. Making me wonder to either get stronger ones with same pull-in (7mm would do) or get ones that can pull in 3 cm, will have to investigate…
Solenoid test for typewriter to printer conversion
Typewriter to Printer Conversion
Earlier this year I got myself a typewriter. I was on my way home and spotted this beauty at the local second hand / old / random things store. The owner told me he wants just 50$ for it since it was broken. Challenge accepted. 50$ later I found myself schlepping this very heavy piece…
Good News Everyone!
After thorough investigations I believe to have solved the last mechanical challenges to make full control of the typewriter feasible. (in the least invasive / visual way) cartridge return can be done by rolling up a string around the corner and released after it is done OR a motor with gears right behind it and raising…